
Off-Site Division Events

The following events are organized by ATA Divisions and require a separate registration and payment.  All times are Eastern Time.

Chinese Language Division
CLD Dinner

Thursday, October 26 | 7:30 p.m. 

中文组将于十月二十六日(星期四)举行分组晚宴th, 2023 at 7:30pm.

地点是自助餐在POC珊瑚山墙,位于121庞塞德莱昂大道., Coral Gables, FL 33134.

The cost is $32.69/person. No need to RSVP, just show up!

Separate payment required.

French Language Division
FLD Happy Hour

Friday, October 27 | 6:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.

The French Language Division will hold a Happy Hour at:
The Riverview Bar & Grill
(located conveniently inside the conference hotel)


However, if you are ready for the ADVANCED LEVEL…

Send email to divisionFLD@ourmixologist.com
and we will do our best to get you pointed in the right direction.
Separate payment required.

German Language Division
GLD Networking Event

Thursday, October 26 | 7:30 p.m. - 10:00 p.m.

Join us for the GLD Networking Dinner on Thursday, October 26, 2023 from 7:30-10:00 pm at Crazy About You in Miami!

Crazy About You is located on the waterfront, just a 15-minute walk from the hotel. 永利登录网址将在一个可容纳40人的半私密区域用餐,所以报名人数限制在40人以内.

The price per person of $76* includes soft drinks, a welcome glass of house wine, starter (Cornbread), appetizer (Gluten-Free Corn and Cheese Empanadas), salad (Baby Spinach & Quinoa Salad with Beets, Avocado, Strawberries and Orange Sesame Vinaigrette), 还有两道主菜(帕玛森奶油酱牛肝菌意式饺子和新鲜波多贝罗蘑菇) & Applewood Boneless Beef Short Rib with a side of Sautéed Vegetables; the vegetarian second main course is Cauliflower Pizza or Black Truffle Linguine – option to be selected on the evening of the dinner).

The number of vegetarians must be provided in advance, so if you wish to have the vegetarian meal, please email Robin at me@robin-limmeroth.com by October 10, 2023 at the latest.

请注意,此费用包括上述所有食物、税金及小费. Apart from the welcome glass of house wine, 酒精饮料不包括在内,但可个人购买.

所有门票的销售截止日期为2023年9月30日或门票售罄. Tickets are nonrefundable.

Use this link to sign up: http://buytickets.at/germanlanguagedivisionoftheamericantranslatorsassociation/979048


*We are using Ticket Tailor to manage registration. An additional $3.退房时将收取75英镑,用于支付使用平台和付款处理的费用.

Register Here!

Separate payment required.

Interpreters Division
Interpreters Division Happy Hour

Friday, October 27 | 5:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.

Please join us on

Friday, October 27, 2023
5:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m.

at the Riverview Bar & Grill

The bar is located at the Conference Hotel, the Hyatt Regency Miami. 


These are just a few of the appetizers available for us to share:

Riverview Bar and Grill menu


While beverages are NOT included, the bar offers a broad selection

of drinks for purchase.

Reservations & Payment

The cost per person for Happy Hour is $15.00, which includes

appetizers to share, tax, and gratuity.

Daniela E. Obregón, ID Assistant Administrator is collecting payments. 说明包含在从ATA口译司收到的电子邮件中, or you may contact Daniela directly for instructions at divisionID@ourmixologist.com.

场地有限,接受先到先得的预订. So please make sure to register as early as possible!

Dietary restrictions? 请在付款时注明任何饮食限制, and we will do our best to accommodate you.

Questions about the happy hour? Contact Daniela E. Obregón (ID助理管理员)和Christina Green (ID管理员) divisionID@ourmixologist.com.

Separate payment required.

Japanese Language Division
Japanese Language Division Dinner

Thursday, October 26 | 6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.

Japanese Language Division Dinner

Where: (To Be Determined)

When: Thursday, October 26, 6:00 p.m.-8:00 p.m.

What kind of event: JLD Annual Dinner

What to charge: TBD

JLD正在为今年在迈阿密举行的ATA64会议的年度晚宴制定计划! 如有更多问题,请联系JLD管理员Paul Koehler divisionjld@ourmixologist.com

Thank you and see you in Miami!

Separate payment required.

Language Technology Division
Let's Do It Greek Style! Dinner

Thursday, October 26 | 7:00 p.m. 

请参加永利登录网址在迈阿密举行的ATA64会议期间的非正式交流晚宴! This year, 永利登录网址正在打破传统的Fogo de ch o巴西牛排馆,因为这家餐厅在步行附近不可用. Instead, we are going Greek style! 永利登录网址的晚餐将在Meraki Greek Bistro的私人休息室举行,距离会议酒店不到5分钟的步行路程. Everyone is welcome!


Price: $80.00 per person for the event, tax and gratuity included.
Payments must be received on or before Tuesday, October 10th. Seating is limited. 每位出席晚宴的人都将收到一封私人邮件,以确认付款和保证座位.

Viktoryia Baum, LTD event coordinator: vbaum00@gmail.com
Daniel Sebesta, LTD Assistant Administrator: daniel@dsebesta.com

Separate payment required.

Law Division
LawD Lunch

Friday, October 27 | 12:30 p.m. - 1:45 p.m.

请与永利登录网址一起参加ATA64法律部门午餐会,享受会议日的休息时间, meeting new friends and catching up with old ones.

We will have our lunch at American Social,一个充满活力的餐厅供应美国经典与现代的扭曲. 永利登录网址将坐在迈阿密河旁边的露天露台上. 从会议酒店步行15分钟或开车7分钟即可到达American Social酒店.

Cost: $32.00 per person (includes gratuity and tax). To view the menu and make your reservation, CLICK HERE.


Questions? Contact LawD Administrator,Elizabeth Herron-Sweet.

Separate payment required.

Medical Division and Science & Technology
Joint MD and S&TD Annual Dinner

Thursday, October 26 | 6:30 p.m.

Please join us at Dolores But You Can Call Me Lolita, 位于布里克尔的金融区中心,距离会议酒店仅几步之遥. Situated in a former firehouse building built in 1923, the restaurant has a vibrant, fun and friendly South American vibe, and comes packed with plenty of old charm. We will enjoy time to mingle
and a private dinner in the Lolita Garden Room (watch a short video of the room).

Cost: $75.00 per person (includes one alcoholic drink, tax and gratuity). To view the menu and RSVP, CLICK HERE or HERE.

Questions? Contact S&TD Administrator, Mery Molenaar or MD Administrator Yasha Saebi.

Separate payment required.

Nordic Division
Drinks at Better Days Bar

Wednesday, October 25 | 8:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.

On Wednesday October 25, ND members will meet for drinks at Better Days, which is located in Brickell just minutes from our conference hotel. 这家休闲酒吧提供鸡尾酒和精酿啤酒的完整菜单,包括当地酿造. 快来加入你的部门成员,一起喝一杯,聊聊天,开始今年的会议!

Please RSVP by email to divisionND@ourmixologist.com by Monday, October 16 so that we know who to expect for each event. 请告诉永利登录网址您是只参加欢迎酒会,还是只参加午餐会,或者两者都参加. Questions? Contact Ann-Charlotte Storer at anncharlottestorer@comcast.net.

Separate payment required.

Nordic Division
Nordic Division Lunch Meetup At The Hotel

Friday, October 27 | 12:30 p.m. - 1:30 p.m.

On Friday October 27, instead of meeting in the evening for an annual dinner this year, 永利登录网址很高兴地邀请与会者与永利登录网址一起在永利登录网址的会议酒店享用一顿随意的午餐. New this year, ATA将在酒店内的主要会议区提供方便的午餐选择(三明治和沙拉). 会员可以购买自己喜欢的食物和饮料,并在河滨步道露台的户外餐桌上加入永利登录网址(以防天气不好), we will be in one of the lobby communal seating areas instead).

Please RSVP by email to divisionND@ourmixologist.com by Monday, October 16 so that we know who to expect for each event. 请告诉永利登录网址您是只参加欢迎酒会,还是只参加午餐会,或者两者都参加. Questions? Contact Ann-Charlotte Storer at anncharlottestorer@comcast.net.

Separate payment required.

Portuguese  Language Division
PLD Happy Hour

Thursday, October 26 | 6:30 p.m. 

The Portuguese Language Division will hold a Happy Hour at:

The Riverview Bar & Grill (located conveniently inside the conference hotel)

今年永利登录网址决定举办一个欢乐时光,对所有会员和非会员开放. 这将是一个非正式的活动,除了你在酒吧/餐厅购买的费用外,不收取任何费用.

Prior registration not needed.

Join us at the Riverview Bar & Grill!


Send email to ata.pld@gmail.com

Separate payment required.

Slavic Language Division
SLD's Annual Dinner

Thursday, October 26 | 6:15 p.m. 

SLD计划延续在迈阿密ATA64举办年度晚宴的传统. We hope you can come join us for a Brazilian buffet!

The venue for the dinner is:
Camila’s Restaurant
129 SE 1st Ave, Miami, FL 33131
+1 305-375-0992


Eugenia Tietz-Sokolskaya慷慨地同意管理门票销售. 自助餐的票价是27美元,包括税、小费和一杯免费饮料. 为了帮助准备合适的桌子,请在10月23日之前给她发邮件回复 eugenia@sokolskayatranslations.com. Questions and comments are welcome.

Separate payment required.

Spanish Language Division:
SPD Annual Dinner

Friday, October 27 | 7:00 p.m.

社民党诚挚邀请您一起庆祝永利登录网址的传统文化, un solo idioma annual dinner event at Casa Juancho. 一个质朴优雅的小哈瓦那庄园以海鲜饭,西班牙餐前小吃和广泛的酒单而闻名. All ATA members are welcome to join us!

Cost: $75.00 per person (includes gratuity and tax). For details and to make your reservation, CLICK HERE.

Questions? Contact SPD Administrator Edna Santizo.

Separate payment required.

Translation Company Division
Annual Social Event

Thursday, October 26 | 12:00 p.m. - 1:45 p.m.

加入你的TCD同事和朋友,在Crazy About You度过一段有趣而美味的午餐社交和网络时光, one of Brickell’s most upscale destinations! 餐厅是在步行距离内从迈阿密凯悦酒店,ATA的会议酒店. Mark your calendars!

Price per person: $50.00

Crazy About You

Registration and menu details: http://ata-tcd.com/2023-ata-64th-conference/


Rosario ‘Charo’ Welle



Ray Valido

Assistant Administrator


Register Here!

Separate payment required.

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